Well our rifle season started today. As I don't like to pressure the farm during gun season I set up a couple stand last week on the front side of the farm by the road in a funnel the deer use to go between the two farms. A thick narrowly treed draw that has a good path running through it made me hang the stand in a small oak tree covered around my back by a thick cedar.
I walked down the road in the dark and slipped through the picked bean field getting in clean to my spot. Just at daylight the report of the rifles started. At 7:32 I hear leafy footsteps coming quickly. I stand and grab the River Runner off the limb in front of me. Its not long and I see her coming. She walked quickly right in from of me when I noticed something I've never seen. She was holding her tail completely vertical as to say "Im ready come and get it". Once I saw that I knew what was coming next and about that time I hear more footsteps coming. I see a rack coming through the thicket. I caught a good enough glimpse to put me into shoot mode. The buck got straight in front of me and I mouth grunted very loudly as I know a chasing buck is hard to stop. He slammed on the brakes at 15 yards broadside and the woody was on the way.
I saw it disappear mid ship and with a big mule kick and the flopping of a red shaft in the leaves he was off up the hill. I instantly grunted loudly again to try and stop him. His steps went quiet after about 30 yards. I thought the hit was a bit back so I sat quietly and started texting. I didn't want to push him so I sat there another two hours then slipped out as quietly as I could.
The crew showed up after their hunts and we went to check my arrow that I could see from the stand. We got to it and found blood surrounding the completely covered woody. The super sharp Grizzly had done its thing and we easily followed the trail to the deer who laid down quietly about 50 yards from the stand.
He was stiff as a board so I was pleased he didn't suffer.
The buck came to a stop in the little clearing just under my nock. It was a 15 yard shot.

Thanks for reading guys good luck and be safe