I hunted a stand for the first time this morning. We set it up in the corner of a big alfalfa field and for some reason I've always bee more optimistic about other spots. I did think it might be good during the rut as bucks cruise the corner and strip of woods that border it. Anyway, the bucks never showed but the does sure did. By 8:00 there we 7 of them in the field...
They worked their way south of the spot pictured and out of my view. About an hour later I noticed two of the does running into the middle of the field and all the sudden one trots into the wood line just 10 yards south of my stand. By the time I grab my bow off the hanger and turn, she and the two others following her are 15 yards into the woods. I bleat and stop them and pick the last one who was quartering hard away. The arrow was off fast and went right where I was looking. She did a big u-turn back into the field and I watched her go down.
Shortly after the shot more does filtered in right in front of me...
She was begging for an arrow but we only get 4 doe tags and this one makes three for me this year... I didn't want to fill my last one quite yet. Better to spread the joy and the work! Of course, I'll probably end up eating that tag!
Biggest doe I've killed in several years. She had an inch and a half layer of fat on her hind quarters and big thick backstraps!