Went hog and deer hunting this weekend.
At several sites we threw corn out because we had seen signs of hogs in the area. At site 2 the next morning we came back and the entire area was torn up by the hogs. Excitement built for me and I decided to sit in that stand that morning. I didn't see anything so I got down at noon. When deciding what stand to sit in that afternoon I decided to go back to that same stand. I felt that if the hogs came there after we threw the corn out at 3 p.m. the previous day, that they had a routine and would come back to that same spot at the same time.
Turns out I was correct.
Right at dark, my friend had texted me to meet him at his truck. So I got down out of my stand. As soon as my feet touched the ground (literally), I heard them rushing into the area. Within 20 yards straight ahead of me, this massive hog came in and was grunting and growling. I ducked behind a tree and stood completely still, thinking omg omg omg. I can't even hardly type right now because I am shaking so hard just thinking of it. It all happened so fast, a million thoughts passed through my head in a matter of what had to be 30 seconds. The massive hog came in, I worked hard to calm myself and had thoughts of WOW that's a big maaaammmma, to I'm gonna shoot it, to not while on the ground, that's crazy! to wishing I had stayed in my stand just 5 more minutes!! AAAAAHHHHGGGGGHHH! Before I could change my mind again and decide to shoot it, it sent a warning grunt to the others and they ran out just as fast as they came in. HOLY SMOKES One hears stories about the rush you get, but one has to experience it firsthand. Indescribable.
What a great weekend. It's not just about the kill, it's also about the hunt. I am learning so much and I am so grateful.