This is from an email Daniel sent me.
"There isn't any reason to be concerned with the rifle season being in. The rifle hunt will only be going on on friday, which in my opinion is out "scouting day". At this time of the year, and on this particular reserve, the people are scarce. To be sure everyone is on the same page. The time that I will be able to hunt will be possibly thurday evening(depending on when I am able to get away from work, threw sunday. You are free to show up anytime you want on Thursday, but I will not be able to be down there much sooner than 3 on thursday. My father in law will be there and will show everyone where to set up, should any of you choose to get there before I am able to be there. We may be able to get out and search a little thursday evening, but the general plan is for people to split up and try to locate some pigs, of hopefully, lots of pigs in several different locations and then we get a game plan to take some out.
I will be down there thursday evening as soon as I can get away from work, but I can't promise exactly what time i'll be able to be there yet. I see that several people have meals planned out, that is great! I will be bringing a pot of taco soup, it looks like we will be eating like kings.
The water levels are almost non existent in comparison to what we dealt with last year. the only down side I see is I haven't seen near as much hog sign as I usually do, but I haven't been down as much as I usually do.
IF anyone has any questions, please feel free to call/text me at 3185473756. I look forward to a great weekend with you fellas.
You will have access to everything we have(Kip).
Please contact me if you have any questions.