Anyone ever experience a surprise hit? Last night I got out on some public land in NJ but forgot my headlamp so with about 20 minutes of light left I decided to start down with my climber. I lowered my bow down and took my bag off the hook when I saw a meaty spike heading right for me. I figured I had nothing to lose so I started pulling my bow back up when the buck noticed it dangling about 10 feet up. From about 20 yards away he got nervous and turned, trotting a few feet facing away from me. I took the opportunity to finish pulling my bow up, took the tab from the limb and got it on my finger. He was determined to get past me and turned, heading right back down the trail. I quickly nocked an arrow and got in position. At about 18 yds quartering away from me now I picked a spot, anchored, and released. He turned and quickly bolted and I was pretty sure I shot over him. With the adrenaline of an otherwise cool encounter I finished getting down and went to find my arrow. After searching and not finding it with my phone flashlight I walked a few yards in the direction the buck ran and was surprised to find significant blood. Pretty excited that I may actually have him but unsure of the hit I hiked my stuff out to my truck, grabbed my headlamp and headed back in the now pitch darkness. I easily found the blood trail that was soon a carpet of kick outs and bubbles. Not 60 yards away my light illuminated the downed deer, hit perfectly. I never heard the hit or him crash. I used a Simmons landshark and it did significant and quick work resulting in a quick humane kill. He's now hanging in the garage and the hide is salting for me to tan it. I didn't have the opportunity for pics but it gave me a good memory and story.