Read an article last night by Ted Kerasote discussing how we hunters are, most often, our own worst enemies. The article is in David Petersen's book, BLOODSPORT, which I am enjoying... sort of... Very somber. I have met VERY few people over the years who I would enjoy hunting with. Our values are just too different. And I do my best to avoid other hunters when I'm out. I suspect many landowners feel the same.
By the way, maybe it's a CA thing, but I have been told that although you CAN sue a landowner for damages if you're injured on his/her property, the courts will not award anything unless there is obvious negligence. Basically, in a legal sense, the hunter assumes all the risk if (and this is key) it is NOT a commercial lease. So if the access is free, the hunter bears most of the risk. But if you pay for access, then the landowner assumes some risk. I think this has a negligible effect on public access to private property but it certainly keeps frivolous lawsuits to a minimum. Consult your trusted attorney to verify -- I'm not an attorney.