My personal observations/experience, based on hunting in the highest concentration of grizzly’s in the lower 48 and five trips to Alaska (three moose hunts, one brown bear hunt, and working a summer on Kodiak Island):
• The grizzly’s and brown bears in Alaska are considerably more afraid humans than the grizzly’s where I hunt in Montana. They are hunted in Alaska, compared to being able to run rampant without any consequences here in Montana. A gun shot, is a dinner bell to the local grizzly’s.
• I have been charged on two occasions by grizzly’s, both stopped when the first bullet hit the ground in front of the charging bear. The first bear stopped at 6-8 yards, the second at 10-12 yards. One was a sow with cubs behind her. I believe the other was a sow but didn’t see any cubs.
• Like Kevin, I carry both pepper spray and a .44 when hunting in Montana. When hunting Alaska, I only carry the .44.
• I have never used the pepper spray, that said I have little faith in it. As previously mentioned, it is a one-shot opportunity with no ability to reload. Spending most a wilderness adventure or hunt in a tree, to avoid a grizzly that keeps returning to your camp is not my idea of a fun time (yes this has happened to others).
• There are numerous documented cases in this region where the grizzly ran through the pepper spray cloud and attacked/mauled the bowhunter/hiker (twice this past year).
• Will a .44 stop a charging grizzly? Yes, a friend killed a charging sow grizzly at two yards with his .44 and then had to use it to keep both of her 1 ½ year old grizzly cubs (150-200#) from attacking him as they followed him during the mile hike back to camp. They never got farther than 75 yards away until he got into camp.
• It is not likely one will kill the grizzly before it reaches him/her. My hope is to deter/stop the bear from attacking with the loud noise of the gun with the first shot. It has worked twice. If it does not stop, I fully expect to be mauled, my hope is to kill it before it kills me.
Being attacked by a grizzly is the risk one must accept when hunting in grizzly country. I know many hunters who will not hunt some of the areas I hunt.