I haven't seen the article but would have to agree with what was quoted from the author; my observation has been that folks uncomfortable with firearms generally only carry spray.
I know a couple guys personally that have killed Brown bears with handguns,before they tore them up.
But yeah it's an uncertain proposition with anything less than say a hand grenade.
I only carry if I'm hunting Brown bears or if I figure I'll be near them while working or hunting something else.
For salmon stream surveys it's a 12gauge 870, marine magnum, loaded with Brenneke green slugs. It's what a friend carries also for problem Brown bear calls and he's had to kill a bunch. Even though we all know that Ithaca makes "the best pump goin".
A friend on Kodiak who does the same problem bear stuff carries a BAR in 338,you don't hear about that combo much but its a good one.
I've got a marlin in 45-70 also but that's for hikes, fishing, and leaving in the boat or camp.
When bowhunting I carried a Ruger blackhawk in 41 mag for a long time. The last couple I carried a Glock 20. It carries well, ok power, big trigger guard that allows my trigger finger in well even with my bow shooting glove on, which is important. But mines been problematic. I've got it working now but mentally I can't trust it.
Backordered a limited build super blackhawk in 480 (5 shot), it came in about when this thread started. Here's my new hog leg.
I guide some for Brown bears and interior grizzlies and carry a bolt action in 338. More and more guides are carrying .416 Rugers for coastal bears. It's an impressive cartridge.
I've taken and helped teach a bear safety & shooting class a number of times. The range part involves 12gauge pumps and a bear target that comes at you from 20 yards as fast as the guy on the 4 wheeler at the other end of the tow line can work thru the gears. You try and distract the shooter to add pressure. The gun has an empty chamber and is slung on the shoulder. Even knowing they are going to shoot, after a couple practice trys, maybe 6 or 7 out of 10 shooters get one good round in the target, 1 or 2 get a couple good ones, and maybe 1 or 2 get 3 in the target. Think about it.
A big 'old bear tree. That's a full size widow.
You're holding the bow; what's in your wallet (I mean, on your hip)?
And that's about as long winded as I get. Sorry about that.