With that current weight your fine and as you move up to the 600gr that will be a even deadlier combo.
I have shot 3 deer to date with the Tirgershark 175 and all three were glancing shot, not my intent but with skittish deer you never know what happens at the shot.
The point is even with these marginal shots the results were outstanding blood trails and dead deer!
1st doe
Natural ground blind quartering away shot from right to left, 12 yards turned in towards me at the shot resulting in a low shot slicing open her paunch.
Left for 3 hours thinking a long night from a gut shot, but upon returning found this at 25 yards:
First thoughts...someone stole my deer and left me the gut pile
Total distance covered 65 yards from a glancing shot.
2nd buck
18 yards from tree stand over left shoulder, broadside, deer standing head to my left side. At the shot deer turns in toward me resulting in glancing shot off the right side of his neck.
Deer stood there for 10 minutes and then collapsed and laid there for another 15 minutes before a coyote shows up and pushes it (trust me true story with my hand up).
Short story the deer traveled in this case about a 150 to 200 yards at a pretty good run. End results dead deer, bleeding ever 2' to 3' all the way.
IMG_1487 IMG_1481 3rd doe (no pic's)
Tree stand at 30 yards. Deer quartering away, turns away from me at the shot moving left to right resulting in a glance to the neck very similar to the last buck.
Traveled 25 yards and produced another dead deer story.
I'm convinced that all 3 of these shots would not have produced dead deer with another broad head design. The conclave design in my opinion opened up enough of a wound channel to cause massive hemorrhaging or major organ damage.