I'm not a pro I never will be always more to learn but this is what I do I always unstring it when walking out,,,, in cold weather when I do string it up I do a few short draws then get a little longer and maybe the 4th or 5th I draw to anchor.
don't get too worked up when a deer comes in and over draw the bow, I'm sure you are solid with your draw and anchor but a Yew selfbow in the cold don't ever over draw it.
and keep a clear mind in remembering your not holding a tall tines so your accuracy yardage may be closer,,,, I know with me I can go right from my fast recurve and carbon arrows one day then the next day I have a selfbow with heavy woods. I need to keep reminding myself things need to be a little more closer this time.
I like to bring two Blunts when I have the selfbow, the first is for when I get to my stand I like to take a practice shot before things settle down (I shoot where I will be walking out for getting arrow easier) then the last arrow is before I leave the stand I take another which is more for fun but it reassures me my hits will be good).
Lastly,, if you experience taking a deer with a selfbow kiss that tall tines good bye OR be ready to dust it off every now and then Primitive archery is a whole other sickness..