I just received in the mail my new to me Sasquatch T/D Recurve 64" 50@28. Draws smooth, but just as I approach full draw it has a slight creaking/clicking sound coming from the limb Where it bolts to the riser.
Maybe new nylon washers or rubber washers would help. Once I draw it back it makes that sound, then if I let down and redraw no sound. It's only when I draw shoot then the sound, and not all the time. It's like having a built in clicker.
Prior to this I talked to Kirk from Big Foot Bows, about the placement of the washers. We talked for almost 25 minutes very nice guy, and very informative. He stated that I had one of his original made Sasquatches. Looks like I may be sending my veneers over there for another in 60" or 62" Recurve.
Here are some pics: