Woah! I get back from a week-end hunt, and there're three pages of, umm... "answers" to my thread. Now let me think, was I supposed to ask my #8 ball, or the Q-ball for that answer? Hmm, I can't remember... Ferret, can you fetch me my sunglasses, please? It's very shiny in here.
(Lol @ always89! Is that the result of lipbalm!!?)
No surprise that it's the women who take me seriously! I'm about as girly as a 5 o'clock shadow, but thanks go to Pinecone and Killy; I'll give Huntress a shot (yes, I'm that secure in my manhood: you shoulda seen the cashier at a shoestore when I asked if their designer mukluks came in "men's sizes"!). As I said, the only thing that'll work on MY hair is "product". I can forego conditioner.
Originally posted by Scooter Trash:
About three years ago I donated 29" of hair to locks of love.
Scooter, I've got two (almost three now) pony-tails ready to donate. There's nowhere local to take them though. :(