Wow there are so many variants that come in to play here that can change with changing patterns, making no set time amount the right answer. For instance In times of slow deer movement, why would you want to be in a stand all day if the deer were only moving in low light near both ends of the day? Yet, why would you leave a stand early, in a well traveled buck travel corridor smack dab in the most prime portion of pre rut or rut? I realize you have limitations, but my point is there is no right answer, except being there when the deer are there as well.Timing either by design, or luck, is the trick. Ive many times barely got up in the stand and pulled my bow up only to nock an arrow and shoot a few minutes later. Other times I have waited on stand from dark to dark, and never had a deer close enough to shoot with a rifle let alone a bow. Timing, and a bit of luck have to meet.Just do what you can do, and quit worrying about it friend.