I don't think your "handicap" is a handicap at all. I learned a long time ago to hunt the high percentage times and do something else the low percentage times. If 95% of the chance to kill a deer is daylight to 9 or 10 am, and the last couple hours of daylight, why sit the other 6 hours or so in the middle of the day, for that other 5% chance, and GUARANTEE, 100%, that you are screwing up your setup by scenting up the woods those extra 6 hours? Sure lightning may strike at 1 pm, and you might win the lottery too, but I don't buy tickets for those either.
I RARELY get into a stand before I can see to shoot in the AM, I like to sneak in quietly without a light. There is no way to get in as quietly in the dark as when you can see a bit, period. Also flashlights spook game. The added bonus is this gets you in the stand after the pre-dawn does, but before the cruising bucks. Since I started doing this I very rarely, almost never, get busted going into the stand in the AM.
PMs are easier to get in undetected.
My average sit early season - 2 h, AM or PM. Rut probably 3-4h AM, 3h PM.
I do OK on mature whitetails.