Gangers, I am sure there are many of you on here that shoot both longbows and recurves, but would like to ask some opinions here. So I started this trad journey off a few years ago with the Samick Sage more off of price then anything. After that I used Bear Montana and was able to take my first deer with it. After I realized this was for me I started searching for a nice longbow to shoot with which landed me on a Sarrels blue ridge. I have been shooting this for year and a half with good results. Due to my job I have only been hunting with it a few times, but have shot it a million i bet. Well I have been picking up this Sage for fun lately and man can I shoot lights out with it. I don't know if its the difference in grip, draw weight, tuned arrow or what, but man can it shoot. Anyone have any similar experiences or switch back and forth? This has me thinking of getting a nice recurve for next year.