I've been hunting with trad gear for 5 years now, almost exclusively trad for the past 3. I blew two shots at does last year, but it all finally lined up this morning.
15 yard shot. Placement looked good, but penetration wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but was pretty sure I heard her stop running, then I thought I heard her go down 15-20 seconds later.
I waited about 20 minutes or so, then took up the trail, through a hands and knees thicket. Not much blood, and the leaves are wet, so what was there was tough to see. Found this about 15-20 yards in.
Went another 5yards or so around a youpon bush, and saw white about 20 yards ahead. She only ran maybe 45 yards total.
'66 Bear Kodiak, 55@28. CX Wolverine 6070s tipped with 250 gr Tusker Concords. 610 gr total.
Patience and lots of practice does indeed pay off.
Thanks for all the advice all of you have given me over the last 5 years. This wouldn't have happened without Trad Gang.