Well, I had "one of those weekends" (the good ones) this past couple days. Went hunting on a friends ranch near Sonora. It is 640ac of some of the prettiest free range, low fence ranchland there is! The first hunt started out well Friday afternoon with a little meat pig. She was one of the most curly haired pigs I have ever seen.
Saturday and Sunday were filled with close encounters, but no critters were harmed.
Then , Monday morning was awesome! At first light, I had a small axis buck and about 6 pigs come in. The axis are very wary, and normally won't stay around if the pigs come in. I decided to shoot while it was still too early to see my arrow. I had no clue if, or where I had hit this deer after the shot. The pigs made a small circle and came right back in. My buddy hates pigs, so I had to load another arrow and shoot one of them too! The shot on the pig looked good, and I thought I saw it fall over about 30yds out.
I got out of the blind, and went to the pig first. Bad decision! Turns out it was a bit quartered to me when I shot. As I got close to where I saw her "fall", she gets up and goes running off. I back out and went the other direction to try to track the axis. I had a scant blood trail for about the first 50yds. Then it opened up! He went about 80yds all together, and the shot was perfect.
After I got the deer in an ice chest, we went back to look for the pig. There was no blood trail, and we were just bumbling along looking when we happened upon him. He did me a favor and died in the wide open. He ended up going another couple hundred yards from where I had jumped him up. Yes, it is better to be lucky than good every once in a while!
So, then I went to the same stand where I had shot the first pig on Friday for the afternoon hunt. I had some axis come in early, and a big fat doe worked her way to 13yds, quartered away. I let loose, and knew something was not right. I got out to find an arrow that indicated that I had just barely grazed her chest.
Anyway, I got back in the blind to wait till dark. I saw a bunch of whitetails and turkeys, but they are not in season now. Right before dark, all the whitetails threw up their heads, and then high tailed it outta there! That almost always means pigs!
Sure enough, a couple minutes later, 3 small pigs came in. It was starting to get close to dark, but they finally worked their way in front of me at about 13yds. I waited for one to get positioned well, then let another arrow fly. This one was perfect , and I heard this pig expire about 30 yds off in the brush.
I still am not sure how I muffed the shot on the axis doe. This pig and that doe were standing in nearly the exact same spot when both shots were taken?????
Anyway, I had my pig, and my buddy got a big axis doe that afternoon, so I guess 2 critters were enough to clean at one time.