Originally posted by tomsm44:
I've heard of too stiff arrows kicking nock left or flying straight due to shelf/riser contact. If that was happening here, could the stiff spine cause the nock high problem off the shelf while not showing up with the weather rest due to its flexibility?
Could be part of it. You can also try changing your brace height and see if that makes a difference. Generally lower stiffens and higher weakens the dynamic spine.
Depending on how thick your leather is, I would think you have moved the arrow closer to center shot than with the rest, which is about a tenth of an inch thick. If you leather is thinner, that should weaken the dynamic spine.
And they say traditional is simple, LOL! Seriously, though, once you get it dialed in, you are pretty much done fiddling with stuff, unlike the wheelie guys who have to constantly add or change doodads.
BTW: I've found Carbon Express arrows generally seem to be stiffer than they are rated, so the .490 doesn't surprise be at all. I've got some Gold Tip Nugent blems that shoot pretty much the same as my Eastons except they are heavier in weight, so they hit a bit lower, especially as distance increases. I tried a couple of different CE shafts but I had to point load the crap out of them, so I stick with GTs or Easton/Beman shafts.