Regarding single bevel blades, this is how I use them. First of all, you must already have a good bevel set. Where this sharpener shines, is removing the Burr and just touching up the tip. You don't want to alter the bevel that is already set. Gentle strokes and keeping it straight will give you a very sharp edge, although perhaps not quite as sharp as a true single bevel, but you will retain all of the advantages of a single bevel Broadhead. I can promise you that it will still be exceedingly Sharp. Using this will eliminate the need for breaking out a file until the Broadhead has been considerably dulled up or gouged. Even then, I use a file to bring up a burr and then very gently remove the burr with the RADA. You could play around angling the broadhead to more closely follow the bevel, but I find that to be a waste of time, and more difficult to maintain alignment. Try this on a cutthroat broadhead right out of the package. It really all is about something quick and convenient to me.