Im also fairly newish... Ive learned a lot from guys like Dino, McDave, Arne, and Captain Kirk... This site will be your best friend!! I started off 3 years ago w a 60# PSE Mustang only because i shot 70# compound so i was certain id be fine.... Wrong! i became very frustrated due to inconsistency and I quit the sport.. fast forward Mid 2016, i picked it back up and creeped on this website and decided to do it the right way this time. I purchased 40# samick sage and started focusing on form and slowly began stacking arrows and began enjoying the sport. After my form was solid, i began advancing my abilities by asking questions on here and picking these guys brains... Ive learned how to tune, fletch, shoot different styles, and become consistent with my weapon. I then graduated myself to nicer bows w/ higher poundage. It is all about consistency and patience... start slow and light and fall in love with it! good luck and welcome to the gang! Everyone one here is nice and loves to help people that are willing to learn!