I have one of the Black Forest bows, sold by Kustom King and made by Bearpaw/Bodnik. 64", marked 50#@28, but #53@29" (my draw, and KK scaled for me.) The grip is a little thinner and lower than I am used to from my recurve, but I am adjusting pretty quickly. I love the bow. It is smooth, easy to point, and doesn't feel like 50+ pounds. Although it is very light, I don't feel any hand shock or vibration. It smokes the 2016s with either 125 or 145 gr points - I can't tell any difference. The Dakota that is coming soon may be the replacement for the Black Forest.
I like it so much, I recently purchased a used 60" Slick Stick, #45@28". And I was excited to find one that was 60" instead of 58". I just like, and seem to shoot better, with bows in the 60-64" range. Going to try 1916s to start, because I like to keep all my points at 125 or 150 gr for simplicity.
Unlike most, it seems, I like the Whisper string that was on the Black Forest. All my Easton, GT, Marco & Arizona nocks fit it well, and it is very quiet. I have tried other strings, but they didn't offer any advantages (that I could perceive) over the Whisper string.
Good luck with your search. I hope you find what you are looking for, and enjoy yours as much as I like mine.