Here are some numbers from 3 Rivers spine calculator. Hoyt Dorado did not show up so I chose the Generic Recurve. I guessed at some arrows that come close, as far as the spine calculator recommends, and same grains per pound (apples to apples).
Comparison from 3Rivers spine calculator
(GT trad 55/75 @ 30.5" + 145 gr tip = 9.4 gr/lb)
Hoyt Dorado 50# @ 28" (generic recurve)
Arrow Speed (ft/sec) 187.2
Arrow Energy (ft-lbs) 36.5
(Trad only 500 @ 29.5” +145 gr tip =9.4gr/lb arrow)
Hoyt Dorado 45# @ 28” (generic recurve)
9.4 gr / in arrow =
Arrow Speed (ft/sec) 187.4
Arrow Energy (ft-lbs)32.9
Bear Montana 45# @ 28” 9.4 gr/lb arrow =
Arrow Speed (ft/sec) 182.9
Arrow Energy (ft-lbs)31.3
It is fun to play around with the 3R spine calculator. For what it is worth, it provides a good starting guess and allows for some comparing.
You will have to find your comfort range.