I recently became aware of an excellent article on Mr. John Schulz, written by Mr. Gene Wensel, which was published in the Oct/Nov 1994 issue of Traditional Bowhunter.
I had received an old looking black & white photocopy of said article, sent to me by Mr. Schulz, in response to a written inquiry which I had sent to him.
Happily, TBM still has backcopies of this issue, so I was able to subsequently purchase a complete issue, which features the following photo:
Gene's article was very wonderful and informative, with him sharing both his experiences with John, as well as a direct interview with John for the article.
I'm new to traditional archery, but I've made it my goal to follow the Hill method, as taught by Mr. Schulz. It does seem to me that finding material by John or about him is actually becoming pretty difficult, as much is no longer available in print or digitally.
Because of this I messaged Gene, asking him if I could reproduce his article here, which he graciously granted. I felt that this was important for newer archers such as myself, to help us become aware of John's great contributions to our understanding of Howard Hill's method and accomplishments.
Gene also sent along some photographs of John and himself, which he gave me permission to reproduce here (thank you very much, Gene!).
I also received permission from Miss Robin Conrads, webmother at TBM, to reproduce the article here at Trad Gang. But since this would involve posting a series of photos of the pages here at TradGang (which is cumbersome and less than ideal), Ms. Robin also very graciously volunteered to host the entire article at the TBM website (thank you very much, Miss Robin!).
So here is the link where the article can now be read in it's entirety at Traditional Bowhunter Magazine:
"Master of the Arts" - An Interview with John Schulz (Oct/Nov 1994, Traditional Bowhunter Magazine) And here are Gene's photographs of John, which he kindly shared. Some look fairly recent:
Gene closes his article with this quote from Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, Howard's beloved wife. It underlines the significance of John Schulz's contributions towards teaching the Hill method:
"Among the thousands of archery friends and admirers of my late husband Howard Hill, if I were picking one to describe and explain Howard's methods in every detail, I know no one who I would trust to do so correctly, fully, and in detail as I do John Schulz."
Best wishes,