You have to be at pretty close ranges to hunt with 10 or 12.5 gpp arrows. I had a Texas pig broadside at 20 yards looking away from me last year when I shot a 10 gpp arrow out of my 45# bow. The arrow went exactly where I wanted it to go, only the pig wasn't there anymore when the arrow got there. Well, at least the part of the pig I wanted to hit wasn't there. He had spun around 180* after I released the arrow, and the arrow hit his rump rather than his lungs. He disappeared into the bushes, and in a few minutes I could see him running across the road about 70 yards away with the arrow waving out of his rump. I tracked him from there and eventually found my broken off arrow. About 6-8" had broken off inside the pig, judging from the part of the shaft I recovered, so there was plenty of penetration. Eventually the blood trail gave out and I never did recover the pig. I think if I go back pig hunting in Texas this year, I'll shoot 9 gpp arrows and hope for better shot placement.