I don't think of wood as exotic; rather, it is natural. I have shot fiberglass and aluminum, and I liked them a lot. However, I still prefer wood on aesthetic grounds. It especcially seems so when shooting my long bows.
I believe that many, not just compound converts, want the more simple "grab and go" aspect of the non-wood alternatives. Perhaps most people don't have or don't want to spend the time making good wood arrows. Good commercially produced wood arrows are costly, so why spend big money on wood, if you can get greater consistency with aluminum or carbon? Good question.
I still prefer wood, even with its idiosyncracies. It shoots more accurately than I do, and at 20 yards (my effective hunting accuracy limit), the increased performance of carbon and aluminum is a mathmatical difference much more than a practical one. In short, wood has worked very well for thousands of years.
What does all this mean? Probably not a helluva lot. Those who like wood are not going to change the minds of those who like other type arrows and vice versa. Fortunately, arrow producers will continue to make them of all these materials, so we can continue to shoot what we like, which is probably the deciding factor in most hunters' choice of arrows. Other than some of the engineers amongst us, I doubt that very many spend time poring over scientific data when choosing arrows. I like wood and don't care that there is an slightly increased potential with other types of arrows. It still comes down to shooting what one likes.