I think it comes down to simplicity and traditional values. For me at least...
I am new to archery, and like another poster, I am madly searching for as much information as I can and find I am dwelling on minutiae. I have chosen "simplicity" as my new mantra, and I need to remind myself of that. I shot wooden arrows for awhile, but as a novice archer, I broke alot because I miss alot. Because of this, I am shooting carbon for now. Now I am obsessing on FOC and GPP, and I need to stop. Simplicity. Simplicity. Simplicity.
My plan is to go back to shooting wood once I get more consistent and significantly reduce the number of times I catastrophically miss targets (It's winter in Canada, and I have missed indoor 3D targets and hit the cinder block wall behind some of them). With carbon I get lucky sometimes,and they don't break. Rarely do I have the same luck with wood. Once I start hitting the target at least half of the time indoors, I will go back to wood.
Going back to simplicity and traditional values: Clay Hayes says something really profound on this subject in his "Untamed" film. Something along the lines of technology reducing the uncertainty in hunting, bit by bit, and if we aren't careful, we might just succeed in eliminating that uncertainty, and solving the hunter's problem. In my opinion as a hunter, why would I want to do that? That is why I choose to hunt with traditional equipment. I think many of us here share that same opinion.