Roy, if it interests you, look into a ghillie suit. I am really liking my Rancho Safari long coat ( the ultra light version for me). It takes trimming, but I really can't tell you how much fun I have had wearing it, and the close encounters I have had while doing so.
Yeah, once in a while I get busted, but the majority of times it is because I moved at a bad time.
Although I have done it, sitting in a grass field, looking like a bush ( that wasn't there yesterday) is not the greatest idea, but they really don't seem to know it is ME under the leaves, just that it was weird. In the marsh, with taller grass, they just don't seem to even notice me.
It doesn't take much background cover, and I have had hen turkeys circle me as I sat at the foot of a large tree, gun on my lap, talking to her as she walked. One was only about ten feet away from me the whole circle.
I like to nestle in where some dead oak branches with leaves provide some natural similar shapes (to me), and have had great luck.
Good luck... it works and is fun