well was down in the woods yesterday stumpin and came back to full draw and POW it sounded like a .22 goin off and i looked down to see my 1970 k-mag with the top limb brroken off and pretty severe crack in the riser. Then the pain it, my nose was broken (i have broken it before so i knew the pain) and blood covered my shirt, so not a good day.
I wake up this morning and take it down to the local archery shop with little hope and talked to the guy (who is also a trad shooter) and he delvered the bad news that it was pretty much done. so now it just hangs on the wall in pieces next to the horns of the 11 point i took with it eariler this year, i was about to buy a bear montana from someone on this site but had some car problems and had to use my bow money on that so it looks like im pretty much done for this year. I will live my hunting fantasies through you guys for the rest of the season so keep em coming. Sorry for complaining but needed to vent. Thankyou...Curtis