I am prejudiced, but I would consider a used bow, or actually a series of used bows. My now-21 daughter wanted to start shooting with me three years ago, so I set out to find her a bow she 1) could shoot 2) liked to shoot and 3) would hold its value if she didn't like it and/or lost interest. We poured over the classifieds, etc., told her about the design intent and history of different bows and I made it okay for her to say she didn't like the looks of a bow that I suggested, and when she shot a bow, to say she wasn't comfortable with grip, the length, the weight, etc. Over more than 2 years, she went through a 1966 Golden Sovereign Duke, a 1971 Damon Howatt Ventura, a 1968 Bear Kodiak Hunter, a 1963 Herters International Match Olympian, a 1962 Wing Swift Wing and recently "traded up" up to a rare 1963 Browning Diana. I spent less than a Samick Sage would cost, far less by the time you start buying new limbs, and got her a series of top quality vintage bows that were each different in design, weight, length, looks, etc., never lost money on resale or trade, and now she has a gorgeous Brazilian rosewood/zebrawood bow with ice blue fiberglass limbs that is just like.. nobody else's bow. Young women like that.