I havent seen recently published figures but I know that north of bangor it used to be .5-1/sq Mi. Much of the northwoods is spruce, pine and fur and is a heavy moose/deer overlap area. You dont see nearly half the deer you do in the southern part of the state but they are corkers if you do. I see more near the rivers when flyfishing so we are planning some float hunts in the future. Most of our "forestry protesters" have not clue how much good forestry practices improves the habitat for wildlife. back in the good old days of logging, the deer hunting was much better. In the southern part of the state where there is more agriculture, there are actually expanded hunting zones where you can get multiple tags if archery hunting. Hunting here is pretty good but the average age of alot of the deer is alot younger there...of course, Maine is the most heavily forested state in the union and even here...big bucks roam!