hello, my name is rob and i have lyme disease.
there is only a "tick season" because these are the times of year we go afield.
in actuality, ticks are prevalent year 'round, no matter what the temperature or precipitation.
my spaniels would come back from running in the woods and covered in ticks right in the middle of a nor'east january winter snowfall with a foot of snow already on the ground.
many diff'rent species of ticks are everywhere, all the time. so are skeeters. BOTH bug types can infect a human with spirochetes (lyme disease - the special bacteria that's in a class all of its own).
there's a lot of nonsense going around about lyme disease, and for the most part it can be hard to get at the real truth behind this epidemic tragedy that's befallen humanity. research carefully and know yer options if, and when, you get infected ... and how to know for sure IF you are infected with spirochetes AND its deadly co-infections.