First: arrowskp x2. Simple and reliable, from a very well respected source.
My suggestions: Factoring in length of arrow BOP, your draw length, and your bow, I'm thinking 55/60's, 30" BOP, with 125grn points will be a very close, if not spot on match. Could be easily tweaked if necessary by point weight or strike plate adjustment.
Now I know you're thinking 200 grn points, but as others have said, wood shafts are much heavier than carbon. A 55/60, 30" arrow, with 125grn point, even with Sitka Spruce (the lightest shafts), is going to end up somewhere around 10-11 gpp for your bow, easily. A 200 grn point will give you a VERY heavy arrow - and you'll see it in the trajectory. You'll need a higher spine to accomodate the heavy points, so shaft weight will go up as well as point weight.