Hi Danshao. I live and hunt in Cali. All of my hunting in this state has been along the coast, but one day I will head to the Sierras to try for Mule deer. Since it's your first year hunting, and you're using traditional tackle, don't set your expectations too high. It took my 4 years to kill my first deer with a longbow, and 2 years with my rifle. One of the great things of our state is that you can hunt either season (bow or general) with one tag. Also you can buy an Archery Only tag and hunt both seasons in several zones. So the season is relatively long, and the state is big. Don't worry about running into predators at night, it happens all the time to me (mostly bears, but once a puma). Carry bear spray if it gives you some confidence. Hunting over water is not very productive unless you are in the extreme dry areas of the state, but most all of the coastal ranges north from Santa barbara to Oregon and the high Sierras have plenty of free water. Try a variety of techniques and see what works: sitting in ambush, spot n stalk, still hunting, tracking. If you're goal is to have fun, learn about wildlife, become a better hunter, and spend some time in beautiful country, then you will succeed. In the words of Marv Clyncke, "killing an animal is just icing on the cake".