Before we get started, I want to say this is meant to be a fun post. I am a hard working American and I have $500 or so bucks I want to spend in the near future on a project bow to reward myself for something I am proud of accomplishing.
I want a Bear recurve pretty dang bad. Fred Bear is a hero and I want to have a bow he designed. Before I get into the specifics of my request, I want to say I know there are better custom bows to be had out there and I know there might be better production bows I could buy. Don't worry, I will eventually get them. But seriously, right now my sights are set on a new production Bear recurve and I need your help choosing one. I recently handled every model at a trad shoot. Though I did not get to shoot them (impatient wife), I liked the grips and the feel of them all. I know I could get a used one for cheap, but I have been burned so many times buying or accepting used guns, cars, dogs, cats, and boats, I am not willing to do that unless the seller is willing to come to my house and let me shoot the bow until I am satisfied it will not blow up on me, kill me, disintegrate in my hands, attack me, or steal my wife. I figure a new bow with a warranty is my safest bet.
Now the specifics: I draw 26" and can shoot up to 60# comfortably. Looking for a bow in the 50#+ range for all legal wildlife in the great state of Georgia. I am considering the Super Mag 48, Kodiak Magnum, Grizzly, Super Grizzly, and Super Kodiak. Let me know what gets your vote and why. I eventually want to own every model, but I am looking for a fun one to start with. Ideally, I would like one that hits like a hammer with heavy aluminum arrows. It need not be whisper quiet, without hand shock, or even attractive. It just needs to be a new Bear recurve.