Well last weekend was the Mane Traditional Archers Rendezvous known as the Poke and Hope. It was a great time, though attendance numbers were down. The camaraderie and opportunity to shoot a seemingly unlimited number of targets was
A two day Warriors course competition
Aerials competition and a turbo hog shoot, which has to be seen. Here are some picts of the kids at the turbo hog and aerials. Both events have a kids line up to lead off the competition. since they are the most fun to watch I only took picts of them.
There are camping sites available, though there are not hook ups for wheeled campers.
There is also a lobster dinner on Saturday night. If you have ever wanted to take a vacation to Maine. This might be an event to plan to attend next year. Hotels are not too far away in Brunswick, or Maine's shopping meca, Freeport.