Thanks for all the advice. I feel that my biggest hurdle is getting my lungs in shape.
Running is a no go, bad right knee from and old femur break and a weak right ankle from many years of compensating. Strength isn't the issue this time around. I don't live at a gym, but I'm big on push-ups, pull-ups, core exercises, shadow boxing with 3lb gloves and a challenging (to me) medicine ball work-out that I've stuck to for a few years. I'll also do a 3 or 4 round circuit a few days per week consisting of; 3 min jump rope wearing 3lb ankle weights, 3 min heavy bag, 3 min speed bag. I'll try blowing up balloons to give my lungs an extra work-out throughout the day as well.
Thankfully, I have a fear of getting stuck in the elevator and take the stairs frequently, hauling tools, ladders, and 5-gallon bucket of paint in each hand up several flights of stairs, am constantly kneeling, standing, climbing up and down ladders. I live at 6900 ft and will be hunting anywhere from 8000 to 1100 feet, which is a jump up, but not as bad as it could be. I'd be a little more distraught if I was a flat-lander with an office job.
In years past my routine consisted of the medicine ball routine, pull-ups/push-ups/core work plus the circuit for 4-6 days per week atleast 6 months prior to the season opener. This year, I've been lazy and picked circuit or medicine ball routine, pull-ups/push-ups/core work 3 or 4 days per week, plus I've drank a few sodas and bud lights per week, and everyone knows carbonated drinks aren't your friend.
There is some time time until opening day, so I think all will be well.