The best option would be a Lone Wolf climber or a portable chair. Around here hunters aren't crooks, they wouldn't take a thing out of your car, even if it was not locked, that would be stealing. Leave a tree stand alone in the woods, that must not be stealing. I had a Sobor climber that I removed the wing nuts and used two nuts each side and washers for the base. One day a guy crawled up a ravine side that was too steep to walk, a hands and knees affair, instead walking on the open hill side. He walked straight to where I had my stand bolted three days earlier and stood there, huffing and puffing, looking around with a crescent wrench in each hand. Eventually someone hacked through my bicycle cable and stole the seat/climber from my Sabor. They did me a favor, now I use a variety of stools and chairs and can hunt anywhere I want.