Damon Howatt 62' 50 lbs at 28
Stupid me cut center shot area back approx. 1/4 inch
long ago now I'm at least learned enough that I made a big boo-boo..I cut a hole and added a Berger type button with solid area for rest mounting. I've added a Flipper rest 2 and 1 layer Velcro to my rest. I centered just right of center shot with only end of arrow showing. I've even tried moving center shot way out to the left (right hand shooter)but no matter I still hit an inch or 2 left at 10 yards. grouping is practically touching,,,just left. I've tried 2016's then 1916's 31'' with 175 grains. Vertical Bow,SRF sight I'm trying out. Any opinions other than safety flagging?? THANKS---Greg