watched the video in preparation for getting my treesharks and a rada.
watched it again now that I have them. 20 minutes and they are duller now than when they came out of the pack.
AGAIN: I haven't hunted with my recurve this year and didn't hunt with it last year AT ALL cause I cant get ANY traditional style broadhead sharp.
steel, Arkansas stones, diamond stones, hand held sharpeners, grinders, belts, files. single bevel, double bevel, doesn't matter.
I can pick up my recurve and shoot tiny little groups with it past my comfortable hunting distance. But I will not hunt with a dull BH. this so FREAKING FRUSTRATING!
I am not the "give up" type, but this has been and ongoing 2 year issue, im literally at the point of giving up trad hunting because of this. its either that or continue to use a sharp out of the box head that I have NO confidence in