Hello guys, I don't wear dentures but I thought id pass this along. I was at the feed store this morning and was yaking with a couple ole timers. The one fellow was asking about diaphragm type calls and if he could still use them once he got his full upper set of dentures, the other fellow told him yea he had been using them for years and he wore a full set of dentures. I wont mention the brand he spoke of but he said his had a little bump on there that went up, he had to turn it down and then it worked perfect. Something about the dentures didn't have as much give as the roof of your mouth, said he could call in the fox and yotes from three county's over. Me personally I love calling to predators with a mouth call, works great for fox and yotes around here while hiding in the bushes. just thought id pass that on to any one who wore dentures and was thinking about it.