Your buck would Whip all comers, so I don't feel bad taking a back seat Barry. But since Photodumpit took a dump I haven't taken time to relearn photo posting here. They ticked me off and now I'm hesitant to start all over on a new one and have them pull the same thing. So you'll have to post mine for me Barry. Ha!
Actually Mike Vines has a couple - maybe he'll help.
Anyway, at last years PBS banquet Jeff Springer (Tippit) and I were the lucky high bidders on an Illinois whitetail hunt generously donated by Paul Ladner. I don't know if he intends to ever do it again but if he does the price just went up.
Paul has 3 farms of primo whitetail bliss. On my third afternoon stand a great looking buck walked 40 yards away from Jeff, then turned and headed toward me. His path was going to take him past me out of range but just as he got directly below me he turned uphill. He stopped a couple of times as if really thinking whether or not to do this, but eventually jumped a log and came directly at me. He went around the tree to my left (perfect - right would have been tough) and walked slowly by at 5 yards. Even I can put an arrow where it needs to be at that range. 75 yards later he was down.
Definitely my biggest whitetail ever. Yesterday morning I was sitting with an antlerless only tag in my pocket and I had an even larger 10 point pass through 75 yards away. I'm almost glad he didn't come closer, but no matter what, I couldn't be happier with the one I'm taking home.
Doe only and meat cutting for me the rest of the week. But Jeff saw a giant yesterday that reminded him of Gene's Woody buck. Stay tuned!
Being able to take advantage of things like this is one of the best benefits of PBS membership. The number of great hunts I have been on as a result of friendships forged there is incredible. This one just topped the list.