Walt: I do probably do more homework and studying than most people realize. But that's half the fun of it. Regarding my whitetail bootcamps, I decided to do a couple more next March. They are only allowing me to do two because we clogged the septic system (too much BS?) at the host lodge facility last year. I know I've said it before but these will absolutely be my last ones. I haven't even made a formal announcement and I'm half sold out already. I'll post an announcement on TG soon.
Damon: regarding the next book, not sure about that but I do have several new ventures I'm working on. I just finished a new FOUR HOUR DVD that they started replicating yesterday. It should be available in a couple weeks but I'll believe it when I receive the shipment. It is very "different" and I believe will be very well received/popular. Same thing, I'll post something on here when it's available. Meanwhile, stay tuned. Thanks. bw