My first bow was one of those plastic/fiberglass jobs from the hardware store. Otasco's if i remember right. Had the fletchless arrows with the suction cups. Didnt last long though. Figured out the arrows would stick to glass better if you licked them. Several evenings of dad coming home to a bunch of rings on the tv screen from it spelled the end of that one. Next was a 1966 Bear Alaskan, 66" and 35@28. Bubinga riser and white face and back. Has tje blank off plate for the Bear Premier sight, brush rest, and the little screw in adjustment kinda like a berger button. Got in back whem i was 10 or 11 i reckon. That would have been around 1980 or 81. Friend of the family was cleaning out his garage, found it, and gave it to me when dad said i could have it. Its hanging in the same room as the guns, the type 1 c riser, my ilf rig, the round wheel compound i bought in 84 or 85 and the Onieda leverbow. Still shoot the Alaskan on a regular basis. For some reason it just feels better and shoots better than any other bow i have.