I tried several types of chairs and found them bulky to carry around. What I use now when I hunt the ground is a Saddle. I use it just like Saddle hunters do, except without the climbing. I look for a tree that has a couple trees or thick brush between me and where the deer are moving thru. I carry a small hand rake to clear the ground around the base of the tree, clear out a couple shooting lanes if need be, then connect my tether to the tree on the opposite side I expect deer to show up, then clip my saddle to the tether. Takes about 1 minute to set up. Using knee pads I can sit or lean. I usually do 20 to 30 minutes sitting, then switch to leaning for the same. I hang my bow on the tree of course. When I spot a deer I simply lean back with the tree between us and keep it that way as he moves. There is never enough of me showing to really catch their attention. If I want to shoot I'd wait until they were looking away or their eyes are behind a tree or brush. I've had deer 10 to 15 yards from me and look right me and pay no mind. I wear the Saddle in, it weighs about 2 pounds. I was using an H2 slingshot, but just got a CGM Sidewinder and it's so much easier to wear in, it compacts into a 5 inch belt, then pulls out with 2 pleats to a comfy butt hammock. You just can't go lighter or be more mobile.