The Huntmore weighs just over 7 pounds. My 65 year old wife has no problem with hers. It is very versatile and quiet, but they are gone. I use a nifty seat for still/sit hunting. I strap it, assembled, to my draw arm side horizontally with a long Walmart stretchy belt. When I know where I am going, I use a Grizzly strap tree seat if I know a suitable tree is handy, if not, I use my Huntmore. Being able to swivel is very important to me, in many situations. Some hunting seats may feel and sit more like a laid back lawn chair, comfortable, but when a deer comes in you need to pry your butt out of the lounge position and get into shooting position. With my nifty seat, i quite often have cloth covered butt pad snapped to my belt. That sucker comes with a price because it can turn a lump or a fallen tree branch into the most comfortable pillow you ever slept on. I wish I could sleep in my own bed as good I can in the woods.