Thanks Killdog. I just mounted a couple more last night getting ready for a trip to Texas.
Chuck that is a tough one and to tell you the truth I don't now if I have an adequate answer for you. I have an article coming out in a future issue of PA in which I expressed similar concerns. They can feel somewhat sharp, but not sharp like a 22 1/2 degree shaving sharp metal edge, yet because of their design still cut and penetrate as well as a modern head. If you have some heads that are "new" in other words freshly knapped by a reputable knapper chances are they will be sharp. If they have been in the dirt for years they will for certain not be sharp enough to hunt with. If you have doubts you can take a copper flaker and take off small flakes off the edges to reveal new edges to resharpen.
Having taken deer myself with a flint head and see the success of others such as Dean Torges, Tim Ott, Flntknp17 (Matt Graesch), DTala, Doug Campbell, Mark Baker, Killdeer, Osagetree, Wile E. Coyote (most recently) and others I no longer have any trepidations about using stone points. If I do my job and put the arrow where it belongs, the ancient rock will do it's job.