I need help.

I figured that if I”m going to keep making knives that I better get some supplies. I went to a woodworking store to buy some exotic woods. I was like a kid in a candy store. I bought some Bubinga, Paduck, Bloodwood, Purple heart, Coco bolo and a small piece of hard maple burl.

I also went through my stash of saw blades. I don’t have a shortage of them.

I jumped right into to by starting a new knife. This is going to be another drop point blade out of a .08 think 10 inch circular saw blade. A file told me it was good and hard

This drop point will have hunting type blade.

I used the Dremmel tool to cut the knife out of the saw blade. I should leave the saw teth on the back side. LOL

With a little grinding and polishing, it cleans up well.

To add a little bit of style to the knife, I used a round chainsaw file on the backbone of the blade. I didn’t go very deep.