You guys might remeber last summer when I found this big Black snake dead on the road...

I decided I would (when I got the time) put it on my Kwyk Styk to make it dark for turkey hunting in my blind.
I figuered I would accent my quiver with it too.I stripped my quiver down,all lacing out,and sanded down so the black leather dye would penetrate...

After it was dyed I sealed it with CA(super)glue,let dry,and toned down the shine with steel wool.
After the skin was dried,I made an arrowhead template.Make the design with the paper folded,so when it's opened up,both side are symmetrical...

Then layed it out on the black snake skin,traced it and cut it out......

Then I traced the inside arrowhead on a piece of diamondback skin,and cut it out......

Masking tape to remove scales....

Glued the black snake skin(damp) on with Tite bond II,let dry and fixed any edges that came loose with super glue.I then moistened the diamond back skin and glued it on top of the black snake with the CA glue.....

more to come....