Ok guys, I am giving you this one for free. I love short bows, I draw 29". I shoot split fingers, but I have no finger pinch! After years of really sore upper finger and trying everything to stop the pinch, I have finally discovered a cure. I have tried to get this developed out of plastic so I an sell them, but have had no luck. Anyhow, you can have this idea for yourself.
Take an empty soda can, cut it open with scissors. Lay it flat on table. Fold the flat aluminum over so you will double the thickness of the aluminum. Cut out the pattern in the pictures below. Be sure to cut the pattern so that the fold in the aluminum will hold the pattern together in double thickness. Wrap the cut out aluminum with a layer of duct tape to cover the sharp edges.Bend the cut aluminum pattern into a "U" shape that will fit inside the top finger of your glove. This aluminum liner will protect your finger, If made to the correct size, it will not come out of the finger slot of the glove and there is nothing is between your finger and the string except the glove. If done correctly, you will not know the liner is in the glove.
All you will notice is "NO MORE FINGER PINCH",