Here is the glued up shaft with the clamps removed. I used a bandsaw to take off alot of the extra wood that I would otherwise have to handplane off (thank you Magnus, great tip)

Now I go to work with the hand plane. Make sure to use a low angle plane for finer results. It's not about speed here, and it really doesn't take to long anyway.

Once I get the shaft to where going anymore would cause me to go to far, and cause non repairable damage to the shaft, I go over to our drill press and chuck it in.

I turn on the drill press, using my leg to steady the shaft from spinning all aver the place. Using 100 grit sandpaper I sand the shaft round and smooth.

After cutting the footing to be 2" to BOP, I hand sand and use a "No-Go" gauge that is 11/32" (piece of steel in the left side of the picture with a hole in it), and once the shaft slides thru the hole uninterupted, you end up with a finished footed shaft.

I got home and point tapered the "new" shaft, and will cut it to length once I figure out what length my arrows are going to be for my new RER limbs that are in the finishing stage right now. Remember to cut from the nock end when cutting to length. I know it sounds stupid, but I do learn from my mistakes. LOL
Good luck everyone, and please post pictures of your footed shafts when done making your own.